Travel Obscura

Galactic50: Day Two2 min read time

With an early rise to my day and a long night behind me I started off on what was supposed to be a nice easy 5 hour drive to Indiana. Hoosier National Forest was next on the list and while I thought I had learned a few things from my stay the night before, meaning national forests are very large, I didn’t realize that Google Maps might send you to camp grounds in a national forest that don’t actually exist.

There I was cruising along making great time, “make a left up ahead” I heard over my speakers and like a good boy I listened. Driving deep into the forest, my first sign that something was amiss was the dead end sign, but I did my research and this campsite was right on the edge of a lake so that made sense. A couple more miles and I could start to see the lake it was massive and I started to get excited. Then my only driving companion came over my speakers again, “You have arrived at your destination,” and what do you know there was no campsite around. At this point I was about an hour into the forest and surrounded by houses and private property markers and Google had its first strike.

I turned around and headed back out to the main road to try and get service and find an alternate spot. Now since I was really excited about shooting at a lake I was determined to find a campsite somewhere along this massive lake I just saw. Unfortunately, nothing was coming up and the lake wasn’t in the National Forest. After some digging, I found a small lake within in the National Forest that had camping, but what do you know no address. So, pinpointed on my google maps and anxiously awaited for my ETA from my new enemy google. “Your are on the fastest route to your destination you will arrive at 5:45.” “I hate you google” I screamed to no-one as it was 2:30 and I was getting tired, but I trudged on in the hopes it would be worth it.

I was a little nervous that the camp ground would be full by the time I got there but thankfully I arrived to just a two other campers and plenty of open sites.

Thoughts from the road:

Yelling at electronics is not as satisfying as I thought.

I have now seen two lighthouses….. um really.

Playlist for the long day:

Widespread Panic, Chris Stapleton, and Blue Traveler

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Tony Curado

I'm a traveler, I'm an explorer, I'm a midnight shooter, I get my photos on the run! Check me out here: at

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