Travel Obscura

Galactic50: Bucket List1 min read time

Every photographer has a bucket list of shots they want to get or achieve in their life. I am no different, and for this project I have a list that I keep adding to everyday as I get inspired by some of the amazing astrophotographers I follow.

In the astrophotography world nothing comes easy and nothing is achieved without great practice. So while I feel like I have achieved the first item on my bucket list, I will continue to shoot these and hopefully get better and better at them.

So here you go bucket list item #1: Panoramic Photograph of the Milky Way

This is my second attempt at this, with my first being a complete failure. For this shot I used 3 different shots for the foreground and 3 different shots for the night sky. I edited the photos originally in LR and used LR’s Panorama Merge to create the panoramic. I then brought both merged photos into PS to put the final touches on them. This was shot with my 14mm F2.8 Rokinon on my Canon 6D. I hope you like it, feel free to leave any constructive criticism in the comments below, all help is appreciated.

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Tony Curado

I'm a traveler, I'm an explorer, I'm a midnight shooter, I get my photos on the run! Check me out here: at

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